Endless applications. Lasagna, enchiladas, boiled fingerlings, on top of a chicken sandwich smothered with queso..... endless applications.
Mexican salsa verde
• a small bunch of fresh cilantro
• a small bunch of fresh mint, leaves picked
• 1-2 cloves of garlic, peeled
• 1–2 fresh red or green chillies, seeded
• 4 large scallions, trimmed
• 2 tomatoes, roughly chopped
• juice of 1–2 limes
To make your salsa, get yourself a good knife and a big chopping board. Set aside a few of the coriander leaves, then chop the top of the bunch, stalks and all, with the mint leaves, garlic, chili, spring onions and tomatoes until it’s all very fine – watch your fingers here! Sprinkle over a generous pinch of salt and pepper, then add most of the lime juice and a good lug of extra virgin olive oil. Mix together on the board, taste it, season with more salt, pepper, lime juice or chili, and put it into a bowl ready to go.
This sounds awesome!! Thanks for sharing! Veg Mamma